Saturday, April 25, 2009

Videos and Resources for Parents

Hello Again,

I have added a few useful resources for all you parents out there, you can find them half way down the page on the left hand side. They are self explanatory but if I have missed anything or if you have a suggestion please feel free to email me.

Mr B.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Hello grade 1's and parents,

As part of our science curriculum your children have been investigating and comparing the basic needs of humans and other living things, including the need for air, water, food, warmth, and space. Here is a link to a very fun game where your children can stop nasty pirates who are attempting to destroy Emerald Island by taking away the basic needs of animal and plant life!

Keep in mind, this game is rather long and complex. It could keep your children busy for quite sometime.

Here is the link Save Emeral Island


Mr. B.


Hello grade 1's and parents,

As I am sure you all know April is earth month! We have been discussing personal actions your children can take to maintain a healthy environment for living things. One such action includes recycling and NOT littering. By clicking this link you will be taken to a computer game where your can actually practice recycling!!! It is called help Michael recycle!!!!

Have fun!

Mr B.

The Seasons!!!

Hello once again Grade 1's and parents.

Today we began discussing the 4 different seasons in the measurement section of our Math curriculum. Follow this link to a fun and short online game where your children can show you his or her knowledge on the different seasons.


Mr B.


Hello grade 1's and parents!

Today in math class we learned about money values. We discussed and learned about the values of pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, loonies AND toonies. If you click this link you will be taken to a fun game where a grade 1 student can practice his or her money knowledge. There are 3 different games that can be played all as exciting as the next!


Mr. B.